Heyyy, welcome to ‘The Urge To Shalaye’
Here, I won't be resisting the urge to shalaye the way I do on most of my social media pages. This is going to be a safe space, for me & for you. Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter. I was overwhelmed by the number of people who subscribed and I was not expecting this many of us pre-launch but I am so glad you opened your heart, sorry, mailbox to me😊.

I decided to start this after sending personal mails to a number of my friends early during the lockdown period. Those mails were basically introspective in nature and my friends really liked them and wanted me to do more.
Also, it has a lot to do with my goals for 2020, which included writing more and being more intentional with my interpersonal relationships. Of the many things I am grateful for in my life, being blessed with the gift of friendship ranks high on the list, peoples who try their best to be there for me in whatever way they can and although I like to think I give as much as I take, I’ll like to go further with it, extend this grace to as many people as possible. A favorite thing for me to do is having great conversations so I hope you reply my mails once in a while and we have a conversation. While I might not respond to your mails immediately, be sure I will be reading them and replying them as soon as possible.
About the writing thing on the other hand; well, I'm taking it seriously from now onwards (amen😅) and what better way than to have you in particular to write to, someone I know is waiting on the other side for my mails, so yeah, thank you for helping me on this path. Sending mails twice weekly to you would help in making me steadfast to this.
There is a weeny bit of mistake in the heading of the newsletter, and I’ve been trying to change it for a while but it’s been largely unsuccessful, which is one of the reasons this took so long to launch. But regardless, here we are now, and WeMoveee. Yes, I’ll be sharing tidbits about my life, inner geng geng😉I have avid interests in building communities, in mental health and literature, so yeah, be sure those will pop up often in my newsletter. Also, projects I’m involved in or working on would be here too. Things I find interesting and think you should read and stuff, all here. All of this on the 5th and 20th of each month.
For easy reading, my content will be divided into Premium Shalaye and The Gist
Premium Shalaye
The first will be the main content – The shalaye-ing. It could be a story, opinions about current issues or sometimes an introspective piece. It all boils down to how the spirit leads.
The Gist
The other is random things. Here, I will be sharing with you articles or videos I found enlightening. I will be telling you about my current reads, I will share you links of things I have written, I will tell you stuff like how May is Mental Health Awareness Month and that I hope to finish that Positive Psychiatry course I started months ago etc. So, basically here is where I gist you like I would an intimate friend. Like the one below, I might even throw in a funny tweet or two (afterall, I spend a lot of time these days on that app, welp)

I’d like for you to reply if you can, and I’ll be sure reply too, no matter how long it takes.
I hope you enjoy this ride with me! I am glad for this new beginning; I hope you are too.
In the meantime, I'll be leaving you with an excerpt of a poem I kept going back to in order to quench my nervousness in writing this.
“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others” - Marianne Williamson (Our Deepest Fear)
See you on the 20th😘